Fidel's Walk

I just thought I'd gather all the nuggets of useful wisdom I gather as I walk through life. This wisdom may come from sermons, books, friends, etc. It helps me to read thru this again and again so I can grow spiritually and be victorious over the attacks of the Enemy. It's amazing how just one sentence or even one word can change your life forever.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Time 4 U 2 Go Up

40 days beyond the Resurrection, Christ ASCENDED. U too must look ahead to ascending. But b4 u do, u will need to descend. Look up when u are in a pit b/c u r about to ascend. Newton discovered what goes up must come down. But God's Laws states what goes down must come up. Like Joseph in the pit, whom God ascended by grace, God is about to change things around 4 u. But when u ascend there will be opposers, even those who once prayed 4 u. They prayed u could stand up. But now that u are standing and God is beginning to ascend u, they would rather u stay at the same level as them.

Rick Hawkins, Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006

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