Fidel's Walk

I just thought I'd gather all the nuggets of useful wisdom I gather as I walk through life. This wisdom may come from sermons, books, friends, etc. It helps me to read thru this again and again so I can grow spiritually and be victorious over the attacks of the Enemy. It's amazing how just one sentence or even one word can change your life forever.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Your Memory Bank Account

Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in.
So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories!
Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing. Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
sent by: Art Castro from

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Passions Are Powerful

David was a passionate man. He did everything with great passion. As we examine his life, we see that when he focused and channeled is passions toward God's purpose, he was very successful. On the other hand, when his passions went uncontrolled, such as his encounter with Bathsheba, it brought tremendous devastation to his life. Uncontrolled passions can be detrimental. When a man undergoes transformation in his life, and he moves from darkness toward the light, he discovers a profound ability to focus his passion on God, resulting in fulfillment and success.

In Proverbs 25:28, Solomon, son of David, wrote that a man without self-control is like a city without walls. A man who does not know how to control or direct his passion will be overcome by all sorts of evil. In contrast, the man who has discovered how to control and focus his passion will be able to do anything.

Other words that describe passion include: vehemence, desire, enthusiasm, delight, rage, fire, fervor, zeal, and heat. Let's talk about setting your passion. You have the ability to set your passion. If you can't control your passion—your desire—it can kill you. Passion is contagious. John Wesley said that if a man sets himself on fire, people will come watch him burn. If I have five minutes with a person, they will feel the fire that is burning in my soul. They will see the vision that has driven my life. As you listen, some portion of that passionate vision will grab hold of you because passion is contagious.

Michael Jordan could be talking to you about his passion for basketball, and you may not get any kind of desire to play basketball, but you may get a desire to be productive or successful in whatever you're doing, by mere fact of his zeal. That's why athletes often make great motivational speakers, because they know about the power of passion.

There is a potion in passion that will affect the people around you. In Psalm 42:1, the psalmist says, As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. Now, that is very descriptive. Verse 2 says, My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Does that sound like a man desperate and committed to experiencing God? And it continues, When can I go and meet with God? This is a man who is driven.

Have you ever seen a deer that is panting? For a deer to pant, he has to be running for his life. He's running for his life with his mind locked on one thing—water, cool refreshing water. Like the deer charging down through forest trails in search of the streams, making their way through the wooded terrain, so David searched with all of his heart for the living God.

It is sad when we lose our passion and fire, and it does happen. Why did we change, from the time we were filled with the Holy Ghost—a time when we were on our knees praying, seeking God, fasting, reading the Word, pushing the plate back, witnessing everywhere we went, telling people about Jesus? But now we're "mature." The writer says the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Then he breaks it down and says, "When am I going to meet you?"

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Passionate Purpose

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson

What inner force lifts a man out of the mainstream of mediocrity into the lonely chase of his dream? What mysterious power is so mesmerizing that it leads one to relinquish the luxuries of life in order to respond to the lure of the unthinkable? What intriguing pursuit has the power to pull one into a circle of commitment that eliminates all other fascinations outside that ring? What sacred cause awakens a man from the slumber of indifference to pursue the scent of the impossible?

This strange phenomenon is called passion. Passion is the fire of life and the energy of the soul! It is the wind that gives loft to the eagle, lifting it above the masses locked in the drudgery of apathetic inactivity. It is the fire that warms the heart in the midst of the coldness of a culture set adrift. It is a man's friend in the dark hours of the night when others abandon him. It is the inner support that keeps him awake in the night seasons when others are fast asleep. It is the power of the race, the propulsion for the jet, the spark for the fire, the wind for the sail, and the contractions for the birth.

Every successful man and woman has experienced the transforming power of passion. Like a silent hunter, this unseen force captured them with its reality and catapulted them into the race for the inaccessible. These men and women became its prisoners, coerced by the allurement of its dreams.

This kind of success demands that a man reach deep down within himself for an inner strength that can be produced only by this passionate zeal.

Passion brings forth a harvest of dreamers and visionaries. It is the dynamic link that connects a dream to its reality. A dream is not enough; it always must be accompanied by the intensity of passion that drives one into the lonely arena reserved for those who attempt the impossible and track the invisible.

Those who have not seen the invisible realities of their dream worlds think such people are mad. The contented are disturbed by their zeal and fervor. The elite misinterpret the driven actions of such people as a direct assault on them. All isolate them for fear of catching this horrible disease that challenges one to move outside the comfort of the traditional and conventional. They endeavor to segregate these people in order to safeguard their own comfortable and secure lifestyles.

Not every passion is legitimate. Some passions are destructive and even dangerous. The drive for wealth, fame, and power can motivate people to betrayal and domination of others. It can possess them to the point where they manipulate those around them and destroy their own souls.

In spite of the fact that some passions can be negative, you must understand that you cannot achieve anything without passion. Without the fire of passion, a person will slip back into the slough of mediocrity and be tempted to return to the shelter of anonymity. The absence of passion will leave one isolated in his own fantasy world, always dreaming of the great possibilities of life but never committing himself to their fulfillment. If you discover the passion behind a man's success, you will have found the key that unlocks the door to his dream world.

--The Inner Circle

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Cave

What happens in the depth of a cave is more important than what happens on the height of a mountain. It is in the cave times of life that testimonies are forged. You don't establish testimonies on mountaintops. Mountains are places of revelation and spiritual unveiling, but testimonies are chiseled out in the caves of doubt and despair.

Mountains shine bright with the light of His presence while caves are dark where God seems distant and hidden. Mountains show us Who He is and caves reveal who we are. It is in the caves of life that God wants to establish a testimony in your life. Let me tell you a secret about mighty men and women: mighty men know how to find strength in cave times. Mighty men and women of God can go into a cave weak and come out strong.

--The Inner Circle

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

We All Have Sin

If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 J
OHN 1:8

We do ourselves no favors in justifying our deeds or glossing over our sins. Some time ago my daughter Andrea got a splinter in her finger. I took her to the restroom and set out some tweezers, ointment, and a Band-Aid.

She didn't like what she saw. "I just want the Band-Aid, Daddy."

Sometimes we are just like Andrea. We come to Christ with our sin, but all we want is a covering. We want to skip the treatment. We want to hide our sin. And one wonders if God, even in his great mercy, will heal what we conceal.

How can God heal what we deny? How can God touch what we cover up?
---Max Lucado

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We All Havd Different Gifts

We all have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us.
OMANS 12:6

There are some things we want to do but simply aren't equipped to accomplish. I, for example, have the desire to sing. Singing for others would give me wonderful satisfaction. The problem is, it wouldn't give the same satisfaction to my audience....

Paul gives good advice in Romans 12:3: "Have a sane estimate of your capabilities" (PHILLIPS).

In other words, be aware of your strengths. When you teach, do people listen? When you lead, do people follow? When you administer, do things improve? Where are you most productive? Identify your strengths, and then.... major in them.... Failing to focus on our strengths may prevent us from accomplishing the unique tasks God has called us to do.
---Max Lucado

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