Fidel's Walk

I just thought I'd gather all the nuggets of useful wisdom I gather as I walk through life. This wisdom may come from sermons, books, friends, etc. It helps me to read thru this again and again so I can grow spiritually and be victorious over the attacks of the Enemy. It's amazing how just one sentence or even one word can change your life forever.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Miniature Earth

The statistics in this presentation r sobering. It makes u really think about how blessed u r. If u can actually see the presentation, then u r among the 3% of the world's population with internet access.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Iron Sharpens Iron

As iron sharpens iron, so can a man sharpen another man. Good values, good character, good attitude can be passed from one man to another.
On the flip side, iron can dull iron if the striking angle is perpendicular. This just means no man is perfect and therefore has negative traits that can be passed along with the good. If God is using you to sharpen another man, just be careful not to pass too many of your negative traits to the other man. Try to influence the other man in more positive ways than negative ways. However, remember because of your human nature, you will always have negative aspects and can never be just a positive influence until you enter heaven's perfection. So don't think too highly of yourself as being the perfect friend to someone. The only perfect friend is Jesus. You are just a stepping stone for others to get closer to Jesus.

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What is God's Glory?

What does it mean when someone mentions the glory of God? It's like if you were to ask God to do any of the following:

  • God, flex Your muscles so I can see how strong U r.
  • God, stand next to the tallest mountain so I can see Your immensity and height.
  • God, show me Your bank account so I can know how rich U r.
  • God, show me what U can do to the worst enemy so I can see how powerful U r.
  • God, embarass the wisest, smartest people so I can appreciate Your understanding.
  • God, stand next to the most beautiful women so I can appreciate Your truely perfect beauty.
  • God, put me in the darkest pit so I can see Your inextinguishable light.
  • God, take me to the edge of the universe so I can experience Your ubiquity.
  • Lord, put me in hell for a moment so I can see that even the devil and his demons bow down to U.
  • Lord, put me in the midst of the most powerful hurricane so I can experience your eternal peace.
God's Glory is the sum of all good things you could ever think of. His Glory is the perfect representation of Love, Mercy, Beauty, Wisdom, Wealth, Strength, etc.

My ancient ancestor Moses once ask God to show him His Glory. God said no one could see His Glory without getting killed. So God told Moses He would walk in front of him but would use His hand to shield him. Then once He was at a distance, He would remove His hand so Moses could see His back. Moses did see God's back and never was the same person again.

Moses could have asked God for help to deal with the people, or for protection during the trip ahead. But Moses chose to ask God to see His Glory. Isn't that what u and I need today? If we were to see God's Glory, we would become different people and would be able to overcome all obstacles because we would know we have a Mighty God.

Think about this again. God is so strong, that you cannot even see Him flex His muscles or you would die. The next time someone tries to intimidate you with ugly growls, fowl language or show of strength, just imagine how much stronger God is. He cannot even show us how strong He really is or He would blow us away and kill us. That is way too strong.

Now think about all His other qualities. I bet He cannot show us His full love and mercy because we would weep to death. He cannot show us His awesome beauty because we would be stunned, awed and frozen for eternity.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

U made the Headlines in Hell

You made the headlines in hell. That's because u r doing something right and the devil hates it, so he gets the word out to mark u as a target. The fact is the devil wants to destroy u, especially because u love God and trying to live according to His will. Don't be surprised if the closer u feel to God, the worst circumstances become. When u seek God will all your heart, u will find Him. However, the devil will also find u. To encourage us, Jesus said, "In this world u shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." Jesus has been through the worst attacks of the devil and has overcomed it all. At least we have Jesus who has come out alive on the other side. As we hold on to Him, he can bring us out on the other side as well.

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