Fidel's Walk

I just thought I'd gather all the nuggets of useful wisdom I gather as I walk through life. This wisdom may come from sermons, books, friends, etc. It helps me to read thru this again and again so I can grow spiritually and be victorious over the attacks of the Enemy. It's amazing how just one sentence or even one word can change your life forever.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Principles Over Personality

When you meet someone who may not be appealing to you do not forsake your principles because of the person's personality. You must try to treat everyone the same regardless of how you view that person. First impressions are not always correct. When in doubt, lean on your principles for treating everyone as you would like to be treated. Don't overestimate or underestimate anyone. Some good principles to follow would be: kindness, gentleness, loving, caring, appreciation, compassion, mercy, etc. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. I know I would like for others to practice their principles before responding to my personality. It feels terrible when someone bashes me without really knowing me.

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